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 AZ on VH-1


  In the summer of 2003, HAIR GUITAR guitarist Angus Ziagra was "Ambushed"!  He (and two other finalists) were plucked from their daily routine and thrust into the world of POISON's 2003 concert tour by VH-1!  The lucky winner perfomed on-stage with the Poison boys...   to find out who won, you'll have to wait until the SEASON PREMIERE of "You Rock With . . ." airs in the Spring of 2004 on VH-1!   

"You Rock With Poison" debuted on VH-1 Tuesday, March 23rd, at 10PM PST.  

 Stay tuned for re-runs...  same time, same Hair-Channel! 

HAIR GUITAR's Angus Ziagra w Bret Michaels

VH-1 "Ambushed" contestents

HAIR GUITAR's Angus Ziagra on-stage with Poison '03

 By the way, "Angus" also is a member of two other great tributes, Smokin (Boston) www.bostontribute.com, and Grand Illusion (Styx) www.tributetostyx.com.   Check 'em out! 

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